(With a nod to Roald Dahl)

I am normally quite good at seeing the potential in an item, I can see it as it is, and I can imagine it repurposed for a new and exciting life. Jelly moulds can be turned into lights, as can old washing machine drums; a broken trough can become a bench; and hey, why not use those unusual roof tiles as edgings along your flower borders? This week though, I was stumped!

One of the great things about working in a reclamation yard, is arriving in the morning never knowing what the day will bring. My first job is usually to work my way through emails from people offering us things for sale. I always get a little frisson of excitement seeing the list of messages and wondering what exciting goodies they might contain.
This week I was asked if I would like to buy this old window! It was found on the banks of the River Severn near ancient woodland and the finder thought it might be of historic interest. I must admit that I am struggling to see how anyone might use it, either as a window or indeed for any other purpose.

I asked Mr W if perhaps I was missing something, but he just shook his head and went back to playing with his new forklift. Yes it is almost certainly an old window frame, but I am sorry to say I don’t think this one is going to make anyone’s fortune!